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Offshore Fund

Offshore private fund have been a popular vehicle for managers of hedge funds and private equities to absorb excess cash from high-net worth individuals and other professional investors looking for capital growth.   A properly structured fund may be exempted from Hong Kong regulatory compliance and profit tax.  We assist fund managers and promoters to set up different types of vehicle for mutual funds and private equity funds in offshore jurisdictions:attest

  • Unit trust - investors are to buy the units under a trust constituted by a trust deed and the assets are held by the trustee and managed by the fund manager
  • General partner / Limited partner - typically used for private equity funds managed by the general partner, it involves a sophisticated limited partnership agreement and registration of the limited partnership in say Cayman Islands
  • Corporate fund - a normal corporation form is used and the share capital is divided into non-participating voting management shares controlled by the fund manager / promotor and participating non-voting redeemable shares subscribed by investors
  • Umbrella fund - in certain jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands, the law allows a corporation to be incorporated as a SPC i..e Segregated Portfolio Company so that a single corporation may set up different sub-funds and segregate the assets and liabilities among them.  This vehicle is used to save costs and time in establishing additional funds with different investment objectives and strategies 


If you need to a discretionary trust for various reasons to separate beneficial ownership of your assets from you while retaining certain degree of control / influence over the same, we can assist you in structuring and setting up a trust in certain offshore jurisdictions

